Sports Law

Sports Law is internationally an idiosyncratic subject. It is governed by a complex network of private regulations with strong state intervention. The strong impact of sports on the social strata often results in legislative interventions without a structured theoretical background and clear objectives. The pyramidal stratification and the monopoly position of the sports federations have created conditions that raise questions for the adequate protection of the Constitutional rights of athletes and other stakeholders. The recent legislative initiative in Greece should be completed with the modernization of provisions that mainly concern discrimination in labor relations and the protection of athletes.

Our office represents international athletes and managers and has defended athletes and clubs in cases that have come to the forefront of evolvements. We count ourselves among the pioneers who founded an Athlete Representation club, according to the provisions of act 4831/2021. We have achieved international status, representing clients in front of the B.A.T. and the C.A.S. and by providing advice on the most paramount legal issues, such as the employment relations of athletes and the contracts of professional managers on behalf of the European Union. Our experience allows us to be able to advise clubs and unions on any issue that may arise, from their establishment to all stages of their operation.