Konstantinos Papastergiou

Konstantinos Papastergiou holds a bachelor’s degree in Law and a Master’s degree in Criminal Law from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In his professional career he has interned at the Office of the Public Counsel for Defense of the International Criminal Court at the Hague, and he has served as an advisor for the Permanent Delegation of Greece at the United Nations’ Headquarters in New York, where he observed the Working Group of New York for the International Criminal Court, on behalf of the Greek Delegation.

He is currently managing the “Papastergiou & Partners” law firm, founded in Thessaloniki in 1979 by his father. Konstantinos practices sports law at the international level. In 2017 and 2021 he was honored to be addressed by Edge Hill University and Deutsche Sporthochschule Koln in the capacity of the Greek national expert in sports law, in order to consult for governance in the context of the regulation for football players’ agents (intermediaries) in Greece, and the employment of elite Olympian athletes in the framework of the “EU Football Agents Project”, which was supported by the European Union.

He speaks English and Portuguese. He is a licensed Mediator and his field of expertise is Sports Law, Torts & Delict and Criminal Law.

Athanasios Glavinas

Thanasis Glavinas graduated the law school of Democritus University of Thrace. He advanced his studies with a Masters Degree on Administrative law, and a Master’s Degree on EU law, international protection of human rights and International Relationships, from the same University. Thanasis also holds a Master’s Degree on Administrative Law from Bonn University. Currently, he is a PhD candidate at the Law faculty of Democritus University. Among other accolades, his thesis was granted a scholarship from Gratz University, Austria.

Thanasis has interned at the EU Commission, where he worked on issues of countering extremism and terrorism in the EU, and also at the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) with a scholarship from the German State. Along with practicing law, Thanasis holds a teaching post at the Komotini Police Academy.

Thanasis is fluent in English and in German. His field of expertise is Administrative Law and Human rights.

Olga Kakali

Olga Kakali was born in Soufli, Evros. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is a graduate of the MSc Law and Economics Program of UoM. She has participated in the 6th National Moot Court Competition of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA Greece).

She is an english, french and spanish speaker.

Her field of expertise is civil law, private international law and the law of insolvency (4738/2020).

Despina Pachi

Despina was born in Volos, Magnesia. She studied in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where she also obtained her Μaster’s degree on administrative law and political science. Despina has specialized in the hotel, restaurant, café and tourism industry in general. Her experience as a consultant of renowned businesses in Thessaloniki and Santorini has endowed her with the expertise to provide an end-to-end array of services, starting from issuing pertinent permits and extending to all types of consulting, support against administrative sanctions and tax litigation.

Despina is proficient in English and in German. Her professional focus is on administrative and tax law.

Stella Kountouri

Stella Kountouri was born in Thessaloniki and pursued her Law degree at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. During her undergraduate studies, she distinguished herself by participating in the Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition, which stimulates the procedures of complaints brought before the European Court of Human Rights. Through this experience, she specialized in identifying violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, thereby acquiring a thorough understanding of both the ECHR and the EU legal orders and their legal interaction.

Following her bachelor’s degree, Stella interned at the Permanent Representation of Greece to the EU in Brussels, where she was actively involved in working groups within the Council of the EU, attending decision-making processes related to European criminal and environmental issues.

Stella is fluent in English and French.

Athena Karabetaki

Athena Karabetaki was born in Drama, Macedonia and studied in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a Master’s Degree on Commercial Law from the same University. Her thesis subject was “Shipowners’ liability for environmental pollution”. Athena has also graduated the “European system of protection of human rights” program of the Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and has obtained a diploma from AUTH on “Recent developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives”. She is a regular participant of the MARE NOSRTUM symposium which is organized by the Center for the Study of the Mediterranean – Middle East Policy & Civilization (C.S.M.ME.P.C.).

Athena is proficient in English and in German. Her focus is commercial and real estate law.

Magdalena Glavina

Magda Glavina graduated Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and then moved to Athens to specialize with a Master’s Degree on General Civil Law from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. In her career she has provided inhouse services in some of the most prestigious business giants of the Greek economy, ranging from shipping & energy to NPL managing funds. She has also handled intricate public procurement portfolios of public transfer organizations. Moreover she is a licensed mediator.

Magda’s vast experience in corporate and commercial law has established her as the head of our commercial law department. She speaks English and French.

Christos-Marios Aroniades

Christos – Marios Aroniades was born in Agrinio, Aetolia-Acarnania. He studied Law at Democritus University of Thrace and obtained a Master’s Degree from the same University with a thesis on “Contemporary problematics on unacceptable evidence in the criminal procedure”. He is licensed at the Athens Bar Association.

Marios is fluent in English and specializes in Criminal Law.

Laura Banu

Laura Banu graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Petre Andrei University in Iași and sat the law school exams at the Lucian Blaga University of Law, in Sibiu, Romania. Laura has gained her reputation as one of the most influential insolvency attorneys in Romania. In her career she has handled more than 400 insolvency cases, some of them among the most eminent of her country. Her professional action encompasses laying out reorganization plans and strategies for restructuring and financial recovery in a 3 to 4 years forecast, monitoring the implementation of the plan, reporting the status to court and creditors, elaborating periodic verifications and monitoring of payments and preparing quarterly financial reports, with the objective of the reintegration of the enterprise in the commercial circle. She also counts extensive experience in public procurement procedures, as the head of public procurement commission in Bicaz City Hall, Romania for 3 years.

Laura speaks Romanian, English and Greek. As an expert in commercial law and financial planning, she is in charge of the Greek – Romanian corporate portfolio of our firm.

Katerina Galanopoulou

Katerina Galanopoulou was born and raised in the magnificent city of Kalamata, Messinia. She graduated from the law school of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with honours, achieving a remarkable 13th place in her year. During her undergraduate studies, she participated in the 20th John H. Jackson Moot Court competition, an international competition concerning the law of the Word Trade Organisation (WTO law).

Following her bachelor degree, Katerina interned at the General Consulate of Greece in Frankfurt, where she participated in all the procedures taking place in the Consulate and gained the living-abroad experience. She is an English, German and Spanish speaker.

Eirini Kousta

Eirini Kousta was born and raised in Thessaloniki. She is a graduate of the Law School at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. During her studies, she had the privilege of participating in various Model United Nations (MUN) programs, enhancing her negotiation and diplomacy skills. One of the highlights of her academic journey was her participation in the Erasmus Program, where she spent a semester studying in Paris, France. This opportunity provided her with a unique cultural experience and honed her adaptability in different academic environments equipping her with the ability to engage in constructive dialogue on global issues.

Eirini is fluent in both English and French and she has a basic knowledge of German.